New Video for RxEdge
RxEdge asked us to explain how they’re helping major pharmacies organize and maintain in-store information that keeps customers up on the latest trends in wellness and treatments.
The script:
You know how vital it is to have great in-store wellness information. When a shopper learns about a new condition, vaccination, or drug, and returns with a script, that’s not just good for business, it also makes for a healthier, better-informed customer.
But hang on; there’s a problem. In many stores, wellness info is often poorly located or and disorganized. Some of it’s here, here, or WAY over here. Even worse, materials are often out of stock.
Keeping on top of all this is a headache. But Rx EDGE has the perfect remedy: the Wellness Center, a tidy, one-stop location for all your wellness info, including updates on immunizations, medical conditions and announcements about upcoming events.
Pretty snappy, wouldn’t you say? The folks at Rx EDGE will design and install it wherever you like in your stores.
And the best part? We take care of everything. We stock your Wellness Center, keep it ship-shape, and make sure it has all the latest, most relevant resources. Yep, we’re on it!
Rx EDGE has been successfully partnering with retail pharmacies for fifteen years, so you know we’ll do it right. And since we manage programs you know and value like Solutions at the Shelf, we’re already visiting your stores on a regular basis.
The Wellness Center from Rx EDGE: The trouble-free way to inform and empower your customers.