Our work with the wonderful marketing team at RxEDGE continues with this explainer for their Solutions at the Shelf program. Solutions at the Shelf puts patient education information in one place where patients are likely to take notice: In the pharmacy. It’s a great solution for pharma companies looking to cut through the noise of traditional media channels.

The video went live in concert with RxEDGE’s website overhaul. Things are looking dandy over there!





The script:

In a crowded media landscape, reaching patients can be harder than ever.

Why not choose a channel that engages people where they’re making healthcare choices — in the pharmacy? With strategic placements in thirty thousand pharmacies nationwide, Solutions at the Shelf dispensers are designed to educate and empower patients to find out about prescription alternatives.

Take the case of Dave. Things aren’t going very well in his stomach. So, he goes to the drug store for relief. As he browses for an over-the-counter remedy, an information dispenser catches his eye. Wow, Dave thinks, there’s a prescription medicine that could help me?

Dave takes a booklet and reviews it at home. It helps him understand his condition and the medication designed to treat it, so he makes an appointment with his doctor.

That afternoon, he’s back at the pharmacy, where he fills his prescription. Dave has taken the first step to managing his condition!

Thanks to Rx EDGE, more than one hundred and fifty pharma brands have experienced success stories like this. Just take a look at these impressive numbers.

In today’s information-overloaded world, you need a strategy that meets patients at the right time and the place. That’s why Solutions at the Shelf should be part of your marketing plan.

Contact us today to start your success story by reaching patients where it matters.